
11 Japanese Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following.

cool bento box

These are always my favourite posts to make. There’s nothing better than collaborating with people who love the same things as you do and if I have the opportunity to promote those people, you can bet that’s what I’m going to do!

One of my guilty pleasures in life is finding niche or secret Instagram accounts that post incredible content but aren’t too widely known.

This got me thinking that perhaps I knew of a few Japanese instagram accounts that needed to be shared with you all.

Turns out, I do! (though sadly, lots of them aren’t as secret as I might have liked…)

Whether you’re looking for inspiration before your trip, or you’re just bonkers about Japan and it’s many fascinating subcultures, these are the Japanese instagrams you should be following.

1. @yeuuuum – Perfectly Timed Ghibli Highlights.


Ahhh, yeuuuum… By far the most relaxing Japanese instagram account I currently subscribe to.

Run by @th.ngn98, @yeuuuum is an instagram page that shows only the most heartwarming moments from Ghibli movies.

Whilst they may only be just a couple of seconds long, the videos perfectly capture the mood we know and love from Studio Ghibli.

Watch enough videos and you’ll likely come across my favourite ones, the food!

Without saying too much, I never thought I understood ASMR until I watched these… HA!

So all I can suggest is cosy down in your bed, slap on a chill out playlist, and have a good old rummage around the videos on Yeuuuums instagram!

2. @naaa_japanese – The Best Way To Learn Japanese, Probably.


If anyone could make learning Japanese a little easier and less intense, it’s this guy.

I first featured Dai on the site many months ago with an exceedingly large list of resources to help you learn Japanese online.

Since then, my Japanese hasn’t honestly improved as much as it should have done. And be honest with yourself, have you studied as much as you said you would through lockdown?

Yeahhh, thought not…

But if there’s one thing that will continuously bring me back to the Japanese language in a fun and light hearted way, it’s Dai from Casual Nihongo.

I find it way too easy to get bogged down in hard to understand Japanese study material, and sometimes I honestly can’t find the motivation to open up a fat textbook and start studying.

Even though there is a time and a place for those kind of things, make sure you’re subscribed to @naaa_japanese on instagram so your head doesn’t melt from the sometimes way too confusing task of learning Japanese!

Top Tip: Watching Japanese game shows probably isn’t the best way to learn Japanese! …But damn are they funny!

3. @zerowaste.japan – Japan, But No Waste.


Let’s be honest, Japan doesn’t have a great reputation for plastic free living.

Just look at this article from a few years ago on VICE which details the sometimes laughable packaging used for everyday items.

And yes, that’s absolutely a banana in plastic wrap…

Introducing @zerowaste.japan, run by a Japanese mother of two, Ran Nomura, attempting to live an eco and #zerowaste lifestyle in Japan.

On @zerowaste.japan you’ll find daily zero waste ideas that not only work in Japan, but can be implemented anywhere to ensure you live as Eco friendly as possible.

To attempt a zero waste lifestyle is one thing, but to attempt it in Japan? That’s pretty damn brave.

For me, this is exactly what social media is for. It’s progressive, inspirational, and has the ability to influence thousands of people to take care of the world they call home.

With over 166k people and climbing, I truly believe Ran is having an outstandingly positive impact on the world around her. Hopefully we’ll see more instagram accounts like this in the coming months and years.

4. @asu_green11 – Miniature Garden Landscapes.


I try not to get envious of other people, but looking at asu_green11’s instagram, I start to struggle.

Quite simply, Asu creates realistic miniatures of zen like scenes.

This can include waterfalls, rock pools, lakes, rivers, etc.

You name it, he’s probably created it.

Not only does he have a thriving instagram account, but also a YouTube channel with close to 1 million subscribers.

It’s that kind of content where you realise you’ve watched an entire hour of a man building little trees and absolutely think your time was well spent.

And before you ask, yes, I found his account whilst inside the YouTube rabbit hole. Totally worth it!

5. @tokio_kid – Shooting The Best Parts of Japan.


Ideally I wanted to be in Japan just under 2 years ago (as of writing this post in October 2021) but sadly something global meant that couldn’t happen just yet.

Whilst I dream about putting my photography degree to good use, I like to live vicariously through other extremely talented creators in the area.

And who’s one of my top choices? @tokio_kid

Japan’s landscapes almost always have to be experienced for you to be able to appreciate their full beauty, but Yuto Yamada is one such creator that seriously does them justice.

Oh, and did I mention he’s a Lightroom ambassador?

Pure talent!

I just hope that the next time I manage to visit, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom like they are in some of his photos. PLEASE!!


Is there anything greater than tapping onto instagram in the morning only to be presented by a fat Shiba bum?

I think not.

Welcome, Maru! Possibly the most famous and popular dog in Japan.

Not only is Maru cute, fluffy, and oh so smiley, but he’s also a national star.

In 2015 it was announced that he would become the tourism ambassador of Mie Prefecture. He’s also been on tv, advertising campaigns, and has his own shop.

This little guy has been everywhere!

And at 2.5 million instagram followers, he won’t be leaving us any time soon.

So whilst your instagram feed might already be full of cute insta dogs (I dont blame you), save a little room for Maru and his owner Shinjiro, because boy do they deserve it.

7. @bonpon511 – The Best Dressed Couple in Japan.


Bonpon511. Potentially the most stylish couple on instagram. (Japan, certainly)

Tsuyoshi and Tomi Seki, both in their 60’s, used to live a quiet life in Sendai.

But one day in 2016 when their daughter posted photos of them on instagram, that all changed.

The couple now have 842k followers, have launched their own clothing line, and have become world wide viral sensations.

It’s honestly extremely refreshing to see accounts like this that have really taken off. It definitely restores my faith in social media, that’s for sure!

If me and my partner can look like this in our old age, then I’ll certainly be happy!

P.s If you’re looking for similar style clothing, you should find what you’re looking for right here!

8. @kokoronotane – Tasty, Tasty Food.


If you’re a foodie, you’re gonna love the next two Japanese instagram accounts on our list.

Kokoronotane posts immaculate examples of oishii Japanese food.

Couple this with perfect lighting conditions, original surroundings, and fantastic presentation, and you’ve got yourself one of the top Japanese food instagram accounts.

With over 2000 posts, I find myself continuously scrolling in search of meal ideas, and that idea is never too far away.

One way I would enjoy my flight to Japan even more, is if the plane food looked as good as this!

Oh well, one can only hope! Haha.

9. @yuko.makotsu – Beautiful Bento Boxes.

@yuko.makotsu – If this doesn’t scream ‘JAPAN!’ I dont know what does!

I mean, do I even need to write anything for this?

Just look at that design!

Yuko Makotsu creates outstandingly realistic and intricately designed bento boxes. So good in fact, I dont know if I’d want to eat it! …Can I hang it on my wall?…

From Anime to GBA, and from bullet trains to pandas, Yuko has captured almost every facet of Japanese culture in her meal art.

Whilst I have talked about food on this site before, none of them have come close to what you can find on @yuko.makotsu instagram.

As much as I would love to be able to create some of these at home, It’s widely beyond my culinary skills. But if you’re considering giving it a go, email your results to adayofzen@gmail.com because I’d love to see them!

10. @japanoninsta – The Biggest #Japanese Community.


If you’re a long time reader of this blog, then you probably understand how easy it is for Japan to continuously blow your mind when you thought it couldn’t get any cooler, stranger, cuter, or weirder!

@japanoninsta brings you multiple (That’s dedication!) daily posts about all things Japan. This could be in the form of facts, pictures, how to guides, and trip planning tips.

As I’ve mentioned before, I like to think I know a thing or two about Japan but following instagrams like this just proves to me that there’s always something else to be surprised by.

So if you’re looking for a quick and easy to access place to find out almost everything there is to know about Japan, give @japanoninsta a follow!

I won’t lie, I’m pretty jealous my own instagram doesn’t look like this, I’m sure it would do the world of good for the blog… Ha!

Oh well. One day, maybe!

11. @okinawa.island


We’ll close off this list with an old favourite.

If you haven’t already seen the absolutely incredible Japanese inspired animal crossing towns (and most of you have!) you should really check them out!

The creativity and originality of some of these places never ceases to amaze me, and none more so than @okinawa.island

It’s a beautiful little island incorporating Japan’s countryside and urban style, whilst still retaining a sense of originality from the creator.

Whether you play animal crossing or you dont, It’s easy to be inspired by the amount of work these creators put into their designs.

So check out @okinawa.island and the rest of the creators, and give em some love!


Well, there you have it!

A list of my current favourite Japanese instagram accounts. Whilst they may never be a replacement of actually visiting Japan, they’ll be your best friend until that day arrives!

Know of anymore Japanese instagram accounts that should have been on my list? Let me know in the comments below, I’m eager to find out!

Jonny Gleason

Jonny is the founder of A Day of Zen and has an unhealthy obsession with Japan. In 2022 he moved to Japan on a mission to give his audience the best possible information. He's helped over 300,000 plan their trip so far, and is eager to make that number much bigger!

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