
Is Tokyo Treat Worth It? (Absolutely!)

Is this what heaven looks like in food form?

japanese subscription box



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One of the things I miss most about Japan is the food and drink. They’re such happy thoughts from my past, and I think they’ll always be remembered that way.

Now, I’m not a “food person” but there’s a strange pull towards Japanese snacks, specifically cherry blossom snacks that I just can’t seem to get away from. (probably why I’ve written these two posts)

So I began figuring out ways to bring that happiness back home, and that’s when I stumbled upon Tokyo Treat, a Japanese subscription box.

But is it worth it, or is there a better way to experience Japanese snack culture?


Tokyo Treat is worth it for pretty much everyone, as long as you like either Japan,…or food. If you arent too much of a foodie, you’ll still love the entire experience from ordering on the website to unwrapping the snack. If you do like food, well, you’ve got about 20 snacks to munch your way through.

So sit back, relax, and let me tell you why Tokyo Treat might well be the best way to experience Japan without actually traveling there.

What is Tokyo Treat?

Tokyo Treat is a Japanese subscription box with the goal of sharing Japanese snacks and culture across the world. So far, they’ve sent millions of boxes to over 150 different countries, so I’d say they’re well on their way to achieving that.

The team at Tokyo Treat curate snacks on a monthly bases and send a box stuffed full of Japanese goodies directly to your door, no matter where you live.

Navigating all the food Japan has to offer by yourself is somewhat of a challenge. So while you could buy Japanese food online on your own, it’s much better to get people who know what they’re looking for to do it for you.

That way, you’ll end up experiencing more cultural foods and flavors when appropriate and won’t miss out on anything.

is Tokyo treat worth it
So flipping heavy! SO MUCH FOOD!

Each month you’ll be greeted by a box full to the brim with between 15 and 20 full-size snacks. I have to say this is something that surprised me about Tokyo Treat. The ENTIRE box was filled up with different snacks.

I was expecting there to be maybe 10 different products at most (yes, I should have read the website) and I was pleasantly surprised when it turned up at my door.

At over 1kg each month, Tokyo Treat is easily the biggest Japanese snack box available right now. And with all the other boxes roughly the same price, that should show you just how good its value is.

How much does Tokyo Treat cost?

The cost of Tokyo Treat varies depending on which plan you chose:

Monthly: $37.50

3 Months: $35.50 (Saves $6)

6 Months: $33.50 (The most popular, saving $24)

12 Months: $32.50 (Best value, saving $60 a year)

If I were you, I’d either go for the monthly or 3-month plan first to see if you like it and then go straight for the 12 months because that’s a huge saving.

On the face of it, these prices may seem like a lot, and they’ll definitely be out of some people’s price range. But when you realize the work that goes into each month’s box, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Plus, you could always order a one-off, monthly box, and see if you like it! Though, if you accidentally sign up for a 12-month subscription afterward, I’m not responsible for your bank balance 😉

Is Tokyo Treat right for me?

I think the most important thing to remember about this is that you absolutely DON’T have to be a huge foodie to enjoy this monthly box.

As we get lower down in my review, you’ll understand why one of the key reasons you SHOULD buy Tokyo Treat, is to experience a part of Japan you would otherwise have to travel thousands of miles to find.

So not only does it allow you to experience Japanese snacks from the comfort of your own home, but it also gives you an insight into some of the most popular flavors and incredible packaging Japan has to offer.

Though come to think of it, maybe it’s just me being nerdy that loves Japanese packaging… hmmm…

Theme & Packaging

is Tokyo treat worth it packing box

When a parcel turns up at your door and looks like this, you just can’t help but smile.

And make no mistake, this beautiful orange box you can see WAS the shipping box. Great for the environment, and great for me to think it’s practically Christmas day when I see it!

This month’s theme was “Supremely Sakura” which was done to celebrate arguably Japan’s most famous season, Spring.

It included a whole host of sakura flavored snacks and each one seemed to fit together extremely well, a sign of how successful the curation is.

As previously mentioned, each month’s box comes with a super informational guidebook. Inside the guide book, you’ll find each one of your 15-20 snacks, their ingredients, allergens, and the reason they’re in the box.

You’ll also find a large section devoted to parts of Japanese culture. For instance, this month, with it being all about Sakura, it talked about Hanami as well as why cherry blossom season is such an important time for Japan.

is Tokyo treat worth it

Before my Tokyo Treat box arrived, I thought it would come with some kind of leaflet, but I never imagined it would be so well thought out or in-depth.

The book also gives you an insight into just how vibrant and awesome the Tokyo Treat community is with pictures all over social media of happy customers.

The Snacks

is Tokyo treat worth it
Just look at them <3

The part you’ve all been waiting for!

Now, I must start this section by informing you that I actually can’t eat a lot of these as I’m vegan.

Yep, I get it, it’s a bit strange to review something when you can’t taste any of it. But I came up with what I think is a pretty good plan!

Firstly I thought to myself “Who is Tokyo Treat aimed at?” and also “Who stands to gain the most from ordering Tokyo Treat?”. I decided a very plausible answer to both of these questions was someone who has NEVER tasted anything Japanese.

So, I got on the phone with my cousin, the biggest foodie I know, and set up a date to help him explore the wonderful world of Japanese snacks!

I’m pretty sure the writing alone won’t do justice to how funny the whole experience was, really I should have recorded it. Oh well, always next time.

Of course, it’s also worth bearing in mind that the snacks change from month to month, but it’s still really interesting to see all the different flavors and interesting food they curate. It’s far better than what I could do by myself, that’s for sure.

And remember, the main reason you would buy a box like this is because of the experience. It’s so out of the ordinary for a lot of us that it almost doesn’t even matter if we only like a few of them. It’s the first time you’ll get to try certain Japanese snacks, and that’s super exciting!

That said, if you are a food person and are wondering if Tokyo treat is worth it, I can categorically tell you that it is.

Also, the bottom three were “Accidentally vegan” which means they have no animal ingredients in them, however, it cannot be guaranteed due to the factory it’s made in and other factors.

Of course, whether you chose to eat them (if you’re vegan) is up to you. I reviewed all of those because I was not missing out! Let me make it clear from the outset, Tokyo Treat never claim any of their products are vegan, this is just a personal choice that I’ve decided to eat them.

The Review Questions

What do you think it is? – First impressions are a big deal, especially with all these interesting-looking packaging designs and exotic-sounding flavors.

What does it taste like? – I thought It would be interesting for someone whos never tried anything Japanese to suggest other foods that taste similar so those of you in a similar position could have a better understanding of the types of flavor and texture of these Japanese snacks.

Would you eat it again? – Is it something you would eat again, or was it just a little too weird?

Rob’s Rating – Out of 10.

Remarks – Any other remarks you want to make about the snack?

Shrimp Tempura Soba Noodle

is Tokyo treat worth it shrimp tempura soba noodle

What do you think it is?

“Shrimp Ramen”

What does it taste like?

“Delicious, much better-tasting noodles than the normal instant kind”

Would you eat it again?

“Definitely. It’s something the UK is missing.”:

Rob’s rating:



“Extremely excited by it, and it smells absolutely delicious. You can really smell the flavors and it kind of tastes like a posh pot noodle. It also has chunks of dried fish floating around in it, which makes for a good texture”

Product Information

Yep, if you hadn’t guessed already, this is a shrimp soba instant pot noodle that also has mackerel in it. Great if you like seafood, not so great if you don’t!

Texas Corn Okonomiyaki Puffs

is Tokyo treat worth it okonomiyaki puffs

What do you think it is?

“Something sweet, not chocolate. They look like Scampi bites (once opened)”

What does it taste like?

“It’s not too strong. A mild version of a cheesy ball with a hint of barbeque. A nice delicate flavor”

Would you eat it again?

“Absolutely. You’d definitely like it if you enjoy cheesy ball flavors”

Rob’s rating:



“The packaging stood among everything else in the box, plus it gave me a strange tongue vibration, and it was morish” – I won’t claim I have any idea what a tongue vibration is, but according to Rob, it’s a good thing!

Product Information

Okonomiyaki is a Japanese savory pancake that can have a whole range of toppings on it. It usually comes with a sweet and savory sauce that gives it that instantly recognizable taste. It’s a must-try if you’re in Japan, and these little corn puffs might just be the best alternative for when you can’t get out there.

Tirol Choco Sakura Matcha

is Tokyo treat worth it tirol chocolate

What do you think it is?

“Some sort of strawberries and cream type of sweet”

What does it taste like?

“Nougat, raspberries, soft center, melty in your mouth, with a milky aspect.”

Would you eat it again?


Rob’s rating:



“It’s like unwrapping a present (each chocolate is in its own separate packaging), great experience, like a chocolate and a sweet reproduced, unlike anything I’ve ever eaten, it’s mad, mousse-like”

Product Information

Little chocolates made with Uji Matcha from Kyoto and filled with milk cream and a marshmallow center.

Constellation Choco Cookie

is Tokyo treat worth it constellation choice cookie

What do you think it is?

“Like the little chocolate-backed square biscuits you sometimes get” – I believe he was referring to Bahlsen Milk Choco Leibniz, another snack that tastes seriously good.

What does it taste like?

“Tastes like darker chocolate, yet it’s rich. A great combination of chocolate to biscuit”

Would you eat it again?


Rob’s rating:



“Very eye-catching in terms of packaging, good chocolate to biscuit ratio, perfect with a cup of tea!”

Product Information

A sweet and savory crunchy chocolate cookie featuring a constellation on the front.

KitKat Peach

is Tokyo treat worth it kitkat peach

What do you think it is?

“A peach KitKat, though having peach as a flavor seems unusual…”

What does it taste like?

“Extremely peachy, a ZING of it! More of a fruity flavor than chocolatey”

Would you eat it again?


Rob’s rating:



“Wowzers…, big fan of that.” (in response to the fact the packaging can be turned into an origami swan). “The strong peach zing was a curveball that I really liked”

Product Information

White chocolate, peach-flavored KitKats, Yum!

Pocky Heartful Cherry

is Tokyo treat worth it pocky heartfelt cherry

What do you think it is?

“They look like a cross between Barratt Candy Sticks and sweet cables”

What does it taste like?

“A delicate flavor, like a chocolate finger but not as sweet.”

Would you eat it again?


Rob’s rating:



“A completely different level of taste (and Zing) from the KitKat, much more subtle”

Product Information

A sweet and sour flavored chocolate that covers a long, thin, pretzel biscuit.

Sakura Donut Sticks

is Tokyo treat worth it sakura donut sticks

What do you think it is?


What does it taste like?

“Tastes a lot like a donut. The texture will put you off because it seems stale, but the flavor is bang on”

Would you eat it again?

“Yes, would be great for funfairs”

Rob’s rating:



“It looked like an oatmeal bar, then a donut, then a Japanese version of a twinkie”

Product Information

A donut dipped in honey and cherry blossom syrup.

Fanta Yoghurt Rush White & Yellow Peach

is Tokyo treat worth it peach and yoghurt Fanta

What do you think it is?

“Fanta, peach variety”

What does it taste like?

“Not as fizzy as normal Fanta, which could be because of the shipping I don’t know, with delicate flavors”

Would you eat it again?


Rob’s rating:



“Not as fizzy, standard Fanta, decent flavor”

Product Information

A white and yellow peach-flavored yogurt Fanta. According to the Tokyo Treat guide book that comes with every monthly order, 2021 was when yogurt Fanta was released but it seems leaving it there was too tame for the country I would crown king of flavors!

Chee-ZACK Cheese Snack

is Tokyo treat worth it cheezack

What do you think it is?

“A cheese-based snack of some sort”

What does it taste like?

“Like a cheesy rice cake, but dissolves v quickly, just gone”

Would you eat it again?

I would!

Rob’s rating:



“Dissolves in your mouth, I feel like I don’t have enough time with it”

Product Information

A cheesy mini cracker.

Uncle Pierre’s Strawberry Roll Cake

is Tokyo treat worth it strawberry roll cake

What do you think it is?

“It looks like a mini swiss roll”

What does it taste like?

“Exactly what we thought, creamy, tastes like a less sugary version of its UK counterparts”

Would you eat it again?


Rob’s rating:



“I was expecting some sort of sugar on top, but nevermind”

Product Information

A strawberry cream-filled roll cake.

Pandaro Melon Cookie

is Tokyo treat worth it melon cookie

What do you think it is?

“A melon biscuit?”

What does it taste like?

“Very melony, you get that taste straight away, not subtle!”

Would you eat it again?

I would!

Rob’s rating:



“Broken, but that’s not their fault. I enjoyed trying to piece it together to figure out which expression panda face I had!” – There were a few different panda faces on the back, your biscuit could have any of those expressions on.

Product Information

A panda cookie that has the taste of Japan’s most famous bread, Melon Pan!

Sakura Medaliene Cake

is Tokyo treat worth it sakura cupcake

What do you think it is?

“…Looks like a cupcake…”

What does it taste like?

“There’s a floral note to it, stronger than the other cherry flavors in the box”

Would you eat it again?


Rob’s rating:



“Very nice presentation”

Product Information

A cherry blossom-flavored cupcake.

New Mochi Taro – Accidentally vegan

is Tokyo treat worth it new mochi taro

What do you think it is?

Some kind of corn snack?

What does it taste like?

Corn, and not much to be honest! Quite salty

Would you eat it again?


Jonny’s rating:



They don’t taste like a lot, but for some reason, they’re extremely morish…

Full Moon Pon Cracker – Accidentally vegan

is Tokyo treat worth it full moon pon cracker

What do you think it is?


What does it taste like?

A mix between a savory and sweet senbei. A really interesting combination that I haven’t had before!

Would you eat it again?

I would!

Jonny’s rating:



A shame it was broken, but no one can help that. I do wish it was a lot bigger but that’s only because I liked it!

Sakura Karinto – Accidentally vegan

is Tokyo treat worth it sakura Karino

What do you think it is?

Pretzels? Definitely savory, that’s for sure.

What does it taste like?

Definitely doesn’t taste savory, oh how wrong I was! It’s got a strange, slightly stale crunch to it and a very rich and sweet inside. Originally I didn’t like them, but after about a day in my house, they were all gone.

Would you eat it again?

I probably wouldn’t choose it, but they weren’t bad.

Jonny’s rating:



Not bad, but certainly not the best I’ve tried.

So, is Tokyo Treat worth it for me?

is Tokyo treat worth it
Tokyo Treat, It was my pleasure ^_^

It’s pretty clear that Rob loved the experience of trying Japanese snacks, and even if some of them aren’t to your taste, I think you will as well.

I could only eat 3 of the snacks in this box, and I flipping loved every minute of it. So even if you aren’t a foodie, you should buy the box for the experience alone.

And it is the experience that’s the best part about the Tokyo Treat box (I sound like a broken record, I know). From the website to the packaging, to the guidebook, and the food, it’s honestly one of the best ways to experience japan from home.

If you haven’t tried it yet, do yourself a favor and give it a go. You won’t be disappointed!

Jonny Gleason

Jonny is the founder of A Day of Zen and has an unhealthy obsession with Japan. In 2022 he moved to Japan on a mission to give his audience the best possible information. He's helped over 300,000 plan their trip so far, and is eager to make that number much bigger!

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